Thanks for the fun and fabulous softball season! I know some of you (ahem...Keri) got a little upset about me ruining the group photo with a gigantic strawberry in my mouth, but all I can say girls is...
OLD HABITS DIE HARD!! Betcha can't guess which Strawberry Shortcake softball player I am. Don't cha just wanna spank it?
You seriously are the funniest person I know! I love you! Thanks for the good times last weekend - Alan and I were talking about how great you and Ryan are - we love being around you guys!
I wish I had half your sense of humor. Haven't seen you in years but you can still put a smile on my face. Makes me reminisce about the good 'ole YW volleyball and basketball days.
"I have said that when a man gets old he had better have daughters about him" - Pres.Hinkley, Oct.2004
Kendree Pooh
I love the way you...
...sing - you're voice is truly a gift! 14 years old, can watch "Meet the Robinsons" 3 times in one week and act like it's the first time you've seen it! ...giggle and SNART! (figure that one out) ...interact with little children and how much they all love you. ...come sit on my bed every night before you go to sleep to talk and talk...and sometimes laugh till our bellies hurt. (and talk)
Saedi Cakes
I love the way you... ...wrinkle up your nose when you laugh :) hip hop like you're in a music video ...make an "uh-m" (while smacking your lips) sound in the back of your throat when eating something you love! ...still sneak in at night and climb up in the middle whenever you can get away with it. ...snuggle your kitty, Violet, like a newborn and let her suck on your ear! (pictures of that, coming soon) ...always sweetly apologize and want to make things better whenever your temper gets the best of you.
You seriously are the funniest person I know! I love you! Thanks for the good times last weekend - Alan and I were talking about how great you and Ryan are - we love being around you guys!
I wish I had half your sense of humor. Haven't seen you in years but you can still put a smile on my face. Makes me reminisce about the good 'ole YW volleyball and basketball days.
Die are still going strong! That is hilarious! I bet you were letting out a big FART too! ;)
What's life without a little (lots of) FUN!!! So great :)
You are so great Deana. Miss you!
That is hysterical
Now THAT is funny!!! You were born that way! ;)
I love it!!! You so funny :) Hey, do you happen to have a pic of the Desert Valley Divas? :)
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